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SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems

Table of Contents
Volume 7, Issue 3, pp. 651-1129

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Classification of Spatially Localized Oscillations in Periodically Forced Dissipative Systems

J. Burke, A. Yochelis, and E. Knobloch

pp. 651-711

Tangency Bifurcations of Global Poincaré Maps

Clare M. Lee, Pieter J. Collins, Bernd Krauskopf, and Hinke M. Osinga

pp. 712-754

Synchronous Chaos in Coupled Map Lattices with General Connectivity Topology

Jonq Juang and Yu-Hao Liang

pp. 755-765

On Synchronization and Traveling Waves in Chains of Relaxation Oscillators with an Application to Lamprey CPG

Péter L. Várkonyi and Philip Holmes

pp. 766-794

Neimark–Sacker Bifurcations in Planar, Piecewise-Smooth, Continuous Maps

D. J. W. Simpson and J. D. Meiss

pp. 795-824

Master-Slave Global Stochastic Synchronization of Chaotic Oscillators

Maurizio Porfiri and Roberta Pigliacampo

pp. 825-842

A Computer-Assisted Proof of $\Sigma_3$-Chaos in the Forced Damped Pendulum Equation

Balázs Bánhelyi, Tibor Csendes, Barnabas M. Garay, and László Hatvani

pp. 843-867

A Method for Determining Most Probable Errors in Nonlinear Lightwave Systems

Elaine T. Spiller and William L. Kath

pp. 868-894

$C^1$ Approximation of Vector Fields Based on the Renormalization Group Method

Hayato Chiba

pp. 895-932

Stability Analysis of Two-Dimensional Pool-Boiling Systems

M. Speetjens, A. Reusken, S. Maier-Paape, and W. Marquardt

pp. 933-961

Regularity Properties of Critical Invariant Circles of Twist Maps, and Their Universality

Arturo Olvera and Nikola P. Petrov

pp. 962-987

Chaotic Braided Solutions via Rigorous Numerics: Chaos in the Swift–Hohenberg Equation

Jan Bouwe van den Berg and Jean-Philippe Lessard

pp. 988-1031

Existence of a Reversible T-Point Heteroclinic Cycle in a Piecewise Linear Version of the Michelson System

Victoriano Carmona, Fernando Fernández-Sánchez, and Antonio E. Teruel

pp. 1032-1048

Localized Hexagon Patterns of the Planar Swift–Hohenberg Equation

David J. B. Lloyd, Björn Sandstede, Daniele Avitabile, and Alan R. Champneys

pp. 1049-1100

Neuronal Networks with Gap Junctions: A Study of Piecewise Linear Planar Neuron Models

S. Coombes

pp. 1101-1129